According to Kenneth W. Wanderberg and Harvey B. Milkman in Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment : Strategies for Self-Improvement and Change: The Provider's Guide (2008), we humans derive pleasure by four principal means :

1. Physical expressions includes exercise and sports, as well as natural challenges such as wilderness, mountain, and sea adventures.

2. Self-focus includes our attention to our well being, inner experiences and calm.

3. Aesthetic discovery includes artistic expression in music, dance, art, theater, writing, painting, photography, and so on as well as the wonders of nature.

4. Collective harmony, combines the exercise of our minds, intimacy of others, spiritual involvement, and altruism.

These four are not mutually exclusive and all build on one another. So, why do we still need pleasure from abusing drugs? Probably because we are so lacking in all these four kind of pleasures.
