This book is about the trials and tribulations of four great American Presidents : Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. What interest me the most is the stories of Abraham Lincoln as the 16th American President. Under the chapter transformational leadership, the author describes its criteria based on Lincoln's real life scenarios :
1. Acknowledge when failed policies demand a change in direction
2. Gather firsthand information, ask questions
3. Find time and space in which to think
4. Exhaust all possibility of compromise before imposing unilateral executive power
5. Anticipate contending viewpoints
6. Assume full responsibility for a pivotal decisions
7. Understand the emotional needs of each member of the team
8. Refuse to let past resentments fester ; transcend personal vendettas
9. Set a standard of mutual respect and dignity; control anger
10. Shield colleagues from blame
11. Maintain perspective in the face of both accolades and abuse
12. Find ways to cope with pressure, maintain balance, replenish energy
13. Keep your word
14.Know when to hold back, when to move forward
15. Combine transactional and tansformational leadership
16. Be accessible, easy to approach
17. Put ambition for collective interest above self-interest

And that's how Lincoln won his second term presidency, won Civil War and saved USA from secession, and finally abolished slavery in the form of Thirteenth Amendment ratification.
