Let’s start 2018 with The Fourth Industrial Revolution which is also known as IR 4.0. This book specifies each trends and current affairs that are leading us towards IR 4.0. We are now still in IR 3.0 but embarking fast into IR 4.0. We should understand the evolution of all these industrial revolutions and be prepared with what will the future holds.
  • 1st IR spanned from about 1760 to 1840. Triggered by construction of railroads and invention of the steam engine leading to mechanical construction.
  • 2nd IR, started in late 19th century and into early 20th century, with the advent of electricity and assembly line leading to mass factory production. 
  • 3rd IR, is also known as computer or digital revolution, began in 1960s with the development of semiconductors, mainframe computing, personal computer and the internet. 
  • 4th IR will be built on the infrastructures of all the previous IRs, with the fusion of physical, digital and biological domains in areas ranging from gene sequencing to nanotechnology, from renewable energy to quantum computing. 
We need more leadership in economic, social and politics to understand the waves that we are facing and a more consistent, positive and common narrative to empower individuals and communities in order to outline the opportunities and challenges. Mr Schwab addresses brilliantly the key technologies that will drive the revolution and how it will shape the future of businesses, governments and civil societies.
