This book is about 9 extreme economies in 9 selected cities. The first part tells the stories of 3 cities with economies of resilience. As in Aceh after the devastating tsunami, it gives evidence on how the Acehnese rise again with previous skills and knowledge to rebuild their economy. In Zaatari, Jordan, the largest Syrian refugee camp and Louisiana highest security prison, how both societies manage to create its own informal markets which is organic and thrive without any assistance.
The second part of the book, explains another 3 cities with economic failure. Darien in Panama, failed to protect its rainforest and as a result impoverished the people. The people of Kinshasa, Congo, failed by colonial and political leaders, have ended in a low level corruption that holds up every daily transaction. Even for getting the exam certificate, parents have to bribe the teacher. Glasgow once as the largest shipbuilder, failed to create labour pools, unable to innovate technologically and maintain supply chains causing economic foundations failure.
The last part of the book addresses 3 most important trends of the next decade. Akita in Japan shows how to cope with urban ageing society. Talinn, Estonia shows how to become technology advanced nation by using AI and automated software in government and business; and Santiago in Chile as an economic model in managing income unequality.
The author concludes that a country’s human/social capital, usually readily ignored, is an important source of economic growth and insure against catastrophic decline. It is a pool of resilience.
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